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How to practice gratitude daily for fulfillment of all desires

Read on to see how to practice gratitude daily in a way that it fits your busy modern schedule for fulfillment of all your desires.

how practice gratitude

“No matter who you are, no matter where you are, no matter what your current circumstances, the magic of gratitude will change your entire life”

– The Magic by Rhonda Byrne

Gratitude is one of the most powerful tools under the law of attraction philosophy, it has helped millions around the world since the ancient times to manifest their heartiest desires.

Below are given 3 Gratitude practices that you can easily inculcate in your daily schedule and start to bless your life with successful manifestations –

(Tips – First apply the knowledge that you have in hand instead of chasing more and more knowledge without application.

And also, you can customize these practices as they suit you and you can start with just one of them too and gradually inculcate all of them in your life.

Thirdly, maintain a gratitude journal or just use your normal thoughts journal but just keep all your gratitude in one place).

#1 10 blessings in the morning

Every morning, start your day by listing 10 things you’re grateful for in your journal;

It will just take 5 minutes, You just have to list your blessings from different arenas of your life and then re-read the list and say thank you, thank you, thank you at the end of each one.

Make sure you deliberately “feel” grateful and happy while saying the magic words – thank you.

If you know about law of attraction then you would know why this “feeling part is the key”.

#2 List your desires and Be grateful

In the same journal, List your desires – for life, for the month, for the year, for 6 months – any of it or all of it – just the things you want manifested.

List them in excruciating details, if you’re aiming to get slim then write your target weight, your fitness idols, why you want to get slim. Details.

Affirm daily one or all of those desires in the statements of “I AM”.

For example – I am 65Kgs, I feel lighter, more active and energetic etc.

While affirming fantasize/imagine/visualize (whatever you want to call it) yourself having that desire right now in reality and say THANK YOU.

Feel as though you already have it and be as grateful as you would be when you actually receive it.

#3 End the Day with gratitude

This is my favorite one and this one works the best I guess.

No matter how your day actually was, just before sleeping imagine the whole day like you would have wanted it to go.

See yourself in your mind’s eye doing all the things you wanted to have a habit of, people being as amazing to you as you want them to be, feeling your prettiest and richest and happiest the whole day, loving life and loving people around you. Imagine how the day would have went if it was just perfect whatever that means to you.

And say Thank You for this wonderful day you’ve had.

Learn about Law of Attraction here.

Learn about gratitude’s role in it here.

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